Museums have the power to help heal our social world. But museum systems, processes, and cultures sometimes need healing themselves. Inspired by the integrative approach of holistic medicine, I diagnose pressure points and prescribe small changes to bring your museum into alignment.

The spark is gone.
Your staff is checked out, on autopilot. They feel beaten down by bureaucracy. You want to help them get their creative ideas flowing with training and systems that allow them to bring their whole selves to work.

We’re running in place.
You need strategic planning—or, more likely, you have a strategic plan but your progress in implementing it has stalled.

Everything feels disjointed.
Your exhibitions and public programs feel arbitrary, one-off, or uninspiring. You need someone to help you get as much traction as possible out of each one, to step back and help create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

What is all this stuff!?
Your collection is a hot mess. You need someone who can help you understand what you have and why you have it. Is it the right stuff? How can your collections truly serve your public audiences?

We want to shine!
You want to create a museum or exhibition that breaks new ground. Your staff is good at what they do but you need someone to help you push beyond good and create something truly powerful.

Who are we, really?
You want to find your mojo and learn how to articulate that special thing that sets your museum apart and draws audiences like a magnet.

Where is your organization feeling pressure? What does your staff need to be their best, most inspired selves? Let’s work together to develop a treatment plan that your museum will be excited about and eager to follow. Get in touch at

“It felt like before we were presenting things in 2D and now we’re presenting them in 4D. I see it more as an experience now, where visitors remember what they saw and did instead of remembering what we presented. That’s challenging, but in a good way.” —Chapman Historical Museum staff feedback